

  I missed writing.  Not that I was any good at it, to be honest, the reviews I made on All The Time I Was Listening to My Own Wall of Sound were mediocre or shit.  At least that's how I started to feel about it by the end, self-doubt and all that stuff.  I guess I just felt like I was repeating myself over and over, using the same phrases and sometimes praising stuff that I should have left alone, you know what I mean?  At times, I got the feeling that I was writing fan-letters that would usually be ignored, or requested and then get spiteful emails when I dare to criticise a band/artist when their output was, to put it in the right context, shite. So, I stepped away from the thing I created.  I stepped away from the thing which shaped my late 30s/early 40s, moved on from the instrument that helped me with my volunteer DJ work. It was not easy to do, it took me a long time to face up to the fact I'd moved on.  I cannot pinpoint what made me stop, apart from exhaustion wi